
Certified Technical Education Area


Certified background note

  Certification background description The certification of engineering and technology education has been implemented internationally for many years. On June 21, 2003, China established the IEET to promote and carry out the accreditation of domestic engineering education. It has been designated jointly by the Ministry of Education and NSC as China To promote a dedicated international contact page on "Education in Engineering and Technology Education", which joined the International Washington Agreement in 2007. At present, the Washington Agreement includes 12 countries including the United States, Britain, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore. Its purpose is to sign members' mutual recognition of each other's certification standards and procedures on the premise of "substantial equivalence." Engineering education certification is mainly for university four-year school system certification, 96 years from the Institute began to carry out certification for the Institute, which is a quality control system, through the certification of the faculties, on behalf of its graduates have been through the implementation of the project The basic education required by the profession means that the education quality of the Department (the institute) has reached the basic requirement level


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